Friday, July 10, 2009

a little happy news cm ada harapan je cuti yg aku apply ni ntk diluluskan..
after having a long discussion with my superior, hati aku yg tadinye sayu, merasa sedikit gembira. Here is details of our conversation yang buat hati aku berbunga riang:

[9:34:17 AM] ieda: bryan, chia wei..
[9:34:42 AM] ieda: can i apply for leave on next monday 13th july?
[9:35:48 AM] Bryan Chong: huh? so rush?
[9:36:08 AM] Bryan Chong: i meant we should apply 1 week before which it is stated in the HR policy
[9:37:07 AM] Bryan Chong: or else it would be consider el.
[9:37:15 AM] Bryan Chong: any valid reason on that?
[9:37:37 AM] ieda: err..nid to go back to hometown
[9:39:58 AM] ieda: b4 dis, i just want to go back on weekend,n come back to work on monday
[9:40:44 AM] ieda: suddenly, my mom ask me to stay until monday
[9:40:51 AM] ieda: hehe..
[9:41:01 AM] ieda: so, cannot arr?
[12:25:57 PM] Bryan Chong: o.0?
[12:25:58 PM] Bryan Chong: emm..
[12:26:18 PM] Bryan Chong: if got something bring back.. then boleh la.
[12:26:20 PM] Bryan Chong: :)
[12:26:30 PM] Bryan Chong: by the way, today can gao dim the tms list?
[12:28:11 PM] ieda: err..if my leave is approve, then can gao dim la..
[12:28:19 PM] ieda: hahaha.. :D
[12:29:59 PM] Bryan Chong: wa.. threaten superior le.
[12:30:08 PM] Bryan Chong: how a, chia wei..
[12:30:32 PM] Bryan Chong: if tms list gao dim + got kacang biscuit from hometown then boleh la.
[12:30:48 PM] Chia Wei: im ok 2..
[1:44:30 PM] ieda: hehe..not threaten lorr..
[1:44:43 PM] ieda: want kacang biscuit again meh?

dan perbualan kami terhenti sampai di sni, sbb aku ngk dia tgh discuss sumthing ngn Cherie. Tp, btol ke aku bley cuti ni??

sambungan kisah (lmbt btol superior aku ni reply)

[2:00:32 PM] Bryan Chong: eem.. got others a.. ok also a.. lolz
[2:01:25 PM] ieda: haha..
[2:01:44 PM] Chia Wei: emm.. other choice la plz..
[2:01:46 PM] Chia Wei: haha
[2:01:57 PM] Chia Wei: tat1 try d ma
[2:02:31 PM] ieda: try d, then no nid to buy anything la..
[2:02:34 PM] ieda: haha..
[2:08:45 PM] Bryan Chong: so no take leave la?
[2:09:20 PM] ieda: huu..take.. ;(
[2:11:25 PM] Bryan Chong: applied adi?
[2:11:48 PM] ieda: not, i apply now arr..
[2:12:04 PM] ieda: :*
[2:13:15 PM] Bryan Chong: o..
[2:13:18 PM] Bryan Chong: ok lo
[2:13:28 PM] Bryan Chong: your boss say no problem ma.. i follow only.
[2:13:45 PM] ieda: which bos?
[2:13:56 PM] ieda: thank you bos ;)
[2:17:03 PM] ieda: ok, applied d
[2:17:24 PM] ieda: waiting for approval... (bow)
[2:17:47 PM] Bryan Chong: so.. boss no problem yea?
[2:18:15 PM] Bryan Chong: next time must be 1 week before.. if not would be consider EL adi.
[2:18:54 PM] ieda: ok..keep dat in mind..
[2:19:04 PM] ieda: thank you..
[2:19:13 PM] ieda: thank you boss..
[2:19:35 PM] Bryan Chong: you are welcome..
[2:19:42 PM] ieda: no rply from bos..consider approved la..
[2:19:43 PM] Bryan Chong: this is your leave, you deserve it.
[2:19:57 PM] Bryan Chong: if there is no urgent thing la.
[2:20:03 PM] ieda: :)

hati rasa lapang dan bahagia di hari jumaat yang di rahmati ni..
rasa rahmat-Nya melimpah ruah..ameen.
moga dipanjangkan rasa bahagia ini..
ngeee (sengih smpi ke telinga)

1 comment:

  1. haha..jgn lupa bwk kacang biskut dr kg chini tu oit..hee
