Friday, June 5, 2009


huhu..sempat lg tles blog, walopon keje masih beratur..
semalam aku on leave. rs cm da lama x cuti. aku cuti sbb ada hal..
kalo ikotkn keje ni, mmg sabtu ahad pon kne keje..
ceh, kunun2 bz sgt la tu..
bile btao je nk cuti, sume org sibuk2 buar rumours yg kunun2 aku gi interview.
heheh..pantang btol diorg ni.
ingt sng ke nk dpt keje. kalo da dpt tu satu, nk adapt ngn new environmwnt lg, new colleague lg, new salary...hoho..bukan perkara mudah..byk mende kne adjust tu..
rupa-rupanya, kebanyakan bdk2 kt department aku ni tgh mencari keje laen..ade yg da dpt offer, but still in consideration la kot. lps aku interview my new supervisor, Chia Wei, rupenye die dah dpt 2 offer. Cammni lah lebey kurang butir perbualan kami:
Aqua : Chia Wei, u didn't apply for new job?
Anders already went for an interview session. hheheh..
(Sambil didengari oleh Anders dan kami gelak bersama2)
Chia Wei : Harr.. I already got two offers, but still thinking over it.
(Cis, senyap2 je supervisor aku ni. Rupanya die yg nk tukar keje..)
Aqua : Why? The salary that they offered is lower than Orisoft meh? Or you sayang nk tinggalkn Orisoft?
Chia Wei : No larr, it is because of their working environment and of course the salary offered.heheh..
Anders : Why Ieda, tomorrow you'll be on leave. you also wanna go for interview meh?
Ieda : Hahaa..No larr, I didn't apply for new job la. Just rest at home, sleeping, doing nothing..heheh..

Gitu lah lebey kurang, details of our conversation.
Perkara tu menyebabkan aku mula terfikir2 ntk apply keje laen dengan lebih serius.
Arghh..malasnya nk melalui step2 yg dah aku lalui dulu (cari keje).
Nak kne gi interview tu yg mls tu..dpt plak, kalo yg style ex-bos aku dulu..mmg mati kering aku nk mengabeskn sesi interview tu..
huh..bile teringt blk sesi interview tu, mmg menakotkn..da la int 2 kali, die suh jwb technical question kt white-board plak tu..ingt aku nk maen cekgu-cekgu ke ngn die..die tatao ke aku seram ngn jelingan dan silauan kepala die tu..huhu..
walaopape pon, tenkiu Joel, for giving me this opportunity to be part of Orisoft. heheh..

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